news & notices
We have a worm farm!
Apr 26, 2023
Our worm farm is going great. Find out about our latest initiative to help the environment.

Here at the Lakes Entrance Aquadome, we are constantly collaborating with staff on ideas to become more sustainable throughout the centre.

A suggestion was made to introduce a worm farm for all the discarded food items in the café.

The worm farm has reduced food waste and has created a perfect organic fertiliser for our plants inside the pool hall.

The worm farm is low maintenance - staff just add five litres of water to the worm farm once a week and food scraps are added daily.

Our team has also introduced Compostable Cling Wrap. This great wrap breaks down by microbial actions the same way as food scraps and it is suitable to put in the worm farm.  

You may also have noticed we have installed new recycling bins in the café which indicate what can be recycled and what products are for landfill.

This has been a great staff initiative and a talking point among staff, on what food scrapes are compatible for the worm farm.

Did you know?

Coffee grounds are highly suitable for worm farms as they provide a natural pesticide to ward off pests such as snails, slugs and ants!

Get a discount worm farm with our rebate program!

We offer a rebate on reusable products such as worm farms, nappies and period products.

You can purchase your product from any store, including online.

To claim a rebate, the business must have an ABN and you need to show us the receipt or tax invoice (an online order confirmation is not sufficient, it needs to be a receipt).
Find out more in the terms and conditions at the bottom of the rebate claim form. (Redirects to East Gippsland Shire Council website)