Privacy Statement
Lakes Entrance Aquadome Privacy Statement.

This Privacy Statement only applies to the Lakes Entrance Aquadome website. When linking to other sites from this site, it is recommended that you read the privacy statement on that site.

The Lakes Entrance Aquadome website uses non-identifying data to record a user’s activity on the Internet, including

  • Every page of this website that the visitor uses
  • How long a user was on a page or site, and
  • In what order the pages were visited

This information is non-identifying and is used for statistical and web-development purposes only.

The Lakes Entrance Aquadome website uses cookies. Cookies give the server information about a user’s identity, website visiting patterns and preferences. This information is used to analyse the effectiveness of the website and assist with improvements. Information is not used to track visitors to the site, and no personally identifying information is stored.

Google Analytics does not pass any information on to third parties unless required to do so by law. Website visitors can stop Google Analytics from collecting data by installing the ‘Opt-Out Browser Add-on’ or by disabling cookies in the browser.  Website visitors must be aware that disabling cookies may result in difficulty accessing cookie enabled websites.

Google Analytics Opt-out

With the Google Analytics ‘Opt-out Browser Add-on’ you have more choice on how your data is collected by Google Analytics. It is available for Google Chrome, Safari and Mozilla Firefox browsers.

Individuals can access and browse the Lakes Entrance Aquadome website without disclosing personal information. The only locations on the website where personal information is collected is via online form submissions, and no information will be released to a third party unless Council is required to do so by law.  

If you wish to access personal information held by Lakes Entrance Aquadome about you, assistance is available from East Gippsland Shire Council’s Governance Officer. Where Council holds personal information about an individual and that information is found to be incorrect, Council will take all reasonable steps to correct the information as soon as practicable.

You may obtain further Information about Council's Privacy Policy by contacting our Governance Officer by telephone (03) 5153 9500, email at or by mail at PO Box 1618, Bairnsdale, VIC 3875.

Council's Privacy Statement

The information you give to us on this site is used only for the reasons set out on this site and is not given to anybody else. Sometimes we may supply details about you to someone else, but only if we are allowed by law, or to protect someone or property.

When information is given out, Council will always try to make sure your privacy is protected in line with the Privacy and Data Protection Act 2014.  You may ask for more information about Council’s Privacy Policy by contacting our Information Privacy Officer by telephone (03) 5153 9500 or email at

Need more information or assistance?
👋 Getting in touch is easy! Our friendly staff look forward to assisting with your enquiry - and your fitness goals!