news & notices
Member profile - Ian
Jan 30, 2023
Our members help make the Aquadome special. In the first of our monthly series, we learn more about Ian.

Our members help make the Aquadome special. In the first of our monthly series, we learn more about Ian.

My name is Ian, I am a 75 year old with multiple sclerosis (MS).

I use a wheelchair because I am unable to walk safely due to the nerve messages from my brain to my right knee and ankle being blocked due to the MS.

I suffer other symptoms and have had three heart attacks.

I do my best to manage my health primarily by swimming. I visit the Aquadome every weekday morning.

Body heat generated by exercise exacerbates my symptoms; the cooling effect of the water allows me to exercise long enough to gain benefit.

The Aquadome is one of the reasons I moved here - so I could attend the pool.

I live alone and I get a number of benefits from visiting the Aquadome.

As well as the benefits I get from the exercise, which is helping stop the progression of my MS, I meet the other regular patrons as well as the lifeguards and reception staff. They all help to start my day in a great way.

To find out more about the facilities and programs available at the Aquadome, visit the centre and speak to our friendly staff.